
We Make Camden Project Fund application form


The We Make Camden Project Fund is a chance to think creatively about how to make a difference in your community. We know that by listening and responding to our communities we can achieve positive change. We believe that organisations deeply connected to and led by our communities are best placed to make a difference. 

Before applying, please read the Handy Guide. This includes all the details of what can and can't be funded.

Grants of between £5,000 and £20,000 per year are available, for projects over 12 months, 2 years or 3 years.

The fund has three aims which all projects should address:

1) Making a difference to Camden communities – contributing to one or more of:

  1. Estates and neighbourhoods
  2. Young people
  3. Food
  4. Diversity 

2) Increasing community voice and social action

3) Increasing equity and tackling inequalities

You must submit your application by 1pm on 27 January 2025. Applications received after this time will not be considered.

This is the first round of this funding. There will be other chances to apply in 2025 and further rounds in future years, so don’t worry if you are not quite ready to apply. To receive announcements about future funding please sign up to our VCS newsletter

You can use the 'choose a language' button at the top of the next page to translate this form.

Please remember to save as you go along while completing the application. You might also want to save a version of your application elsewhere (e.g. in a Word document) for backup.
