
Love Camden Advisors - for Video / Audio Submissions


This is the form to use if you would like to submit your application via video or or audio instead of using the online form.

If you have filled out the online form then you do not need to also submit a video/audio file here.

Your video or sound file should be no more than 3 minutes in length and should tell us the following:

  • Your connection to Camden

  • What kind of arts and culture activities you take part in

  • What kind of things you would like to see more of

  • Why you want to become a Love Camden Advisor

  • What impact would you like to have though the role

  • What can you bring to the group

If you would like to talk anything through before applying, the Culture team will happy to arrange a call and answer any questions. Email culture@camden.gov.uk

About the Group

The aim of the group is for members to bring their individual and collective knowledge, experience and support to the development of Camden Council’s arts and culture programme.

What are we looking for?

  • We're looking for ten people who live or work in the borough of Camden, or have a strong connection to it, to help shape and develop our cultural offer

  • You'll have an interest in arts and culture, but don't worry, you don't need to be a professional

  • Ideally you'll have links to community organisations and a good knowledge of the borough

  • You will need to be 18 or over

What can you expect?

  • You'll need to join quarterly meetings from March 2024 to February 2025. We'll make sure the meetings are accessible

  • Each member will receive a fee of £50 per meeting, food and refreshments will be available

What does participating involve?

  • Contributing ideas to an ongoing overall vision and shape for a new cultural programme

  • Advising, and where agreed assisting, the Culture Service with programming the event, through bringing networks in the community

  • Consulting on best practice for engagement, participation and communication with agreed target audiences, and communities

  • Contributing to project selection process and funding panels where appropriate, e.g festival grants programme

  • Actively engaging and advising on the ongoing promotion, marketing, and publicity of the programme, including active promotion through community networks 

  • Providing guidance on community perspectives that will support the overall delivery of the programme Committing to attend 4 meetings a year (1.5 hours per meeting) on pre-agreed dates either in person or via video call

  • Being an advocate and champion of the programme

  • Documenting your journey via the Love Camden website and social media 

(Curation and programming will be led by the Culture Service and external producers/programmers as required. The role of the Love Camden Advisors will be to advise and bring networks to strengthen and inform curation and programming, acting as a key reference group. Final programming decisions will remain with the Culture Service)

Benefits of participating

Members will have opportunities to:

  • Attend exhibition private views, performances and other cultural experiences

  • Influence the local arts and culture programme

  • Develop new skills and knowledge

  • Meet new people and and gain access to a local cultural network 

About you

The group members will bring the following mix of skills and experience:

  • Live, work or have a connection to the borough of Camden

  • Good links to voluntary and community groups

  • An interest in arts and culture events and activities (professional experience is not a requirement)

  • Good knowledge of the borough’s neighbourhoods and communities

  • Aged over 18

How will the group be selected?

The first 10 Love Camden Advisors will be selected by the Culture Service team, taking into account the need for diverse representation for Camden’s communities, a good balance of experience and interests across the group, and a wide geographical reach across the borough.

What will the next steps be after applying?

We will be in touch in early March to update you. If you have been shortlisted we will invite you to meet the team for a further chat about the role.

When will the final decisions be made?

We are aiming to let everyone know mid-March

When will the group meet for the first time?

We would like the first group meeting to take place in the last week of March.

Over to you!

We’re ready to welcome your ideas and your views to help us shape the cultural offer. So if you love culture and you love Camden - apply now to become a member of our Advisory Group and have your say!

The deadline for applications is Monday 26th February 2024.

Continue to begin your application on the next page...
